Newsletter No. 34 Ruswil - March 2008

Table of Contents

Foreword 1

The monk Jodokus looked into the diary 2

Markus Stirnimann 6

Forum 9

Miscellaneous 10

Dear relatives and acquaintances, 

Dear members and friends of our family association

"For me it's so important to have a family around me that makes you happy together and helps you to overcome difficult times." These words by American lyricist and prose writer Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) sound like soul balm when read in the latest news from violent teenagers and bad family tragedies. The smallest cell in our state, the family, seems to be fragile and unstable, and even the question arises as to whether the traditional form of family known to us is finally an obsolete model? In France, I read it somewhere in a newspaper, even more than half of all mothers are said to be single. Where should the adolescents still find a foothold when the families are shattered and the boys themselves are in a difficult phase of their lives?

This could actually be the reason for the increasing disorientation and violence of many people. But is the solution to this problem so simple? Considering that Sylvia Plath, quoted at the beginning, was a victim of sexual violence in her youth and suffered from depression as an adult in such a way that she voluntarily quit her life in 1963, for me the term "family" so in its generality do not serve as the desired problem solver. Because family can also, many biographies testify unfortunately of it, restrictive, crushing, even hurting.

Rather, for me the small nuance is of absolute importance, how "family" is lived and not how a family lives. Relationships between family members, respectful, respectful, and always respecting the dignity of the individual, are of the utmost importance to me. And where can a young, learning person practice and experience this better than in his immediate environment, in his family? Here he is involuntarily born, here he has role models, here he will learn and experience, what for him later the term family actually means.

For the future, I hope that awareness of the importance of caring for relationships, and not just within families, is growing. It would be a great tragedy if our society had to find and invent criminal law solutions in the sense of coercive measures through increasing lack of contact. These always remain, the psychologists confirm again and again, encouraging violence or at least preserving violence. This can not be the aspiration of a free state.

In our large family group Stirnimann / Stirnemann we can not cultivate the relationships mentioned above in the family sense. In addition, the few moments of being together at the association meetings are not enough. And yet it seems to me that the ideal bond with our association as a member of great value. It shows that one feels in some form as a relative and, most importantly, that the next one does not matter to us.

So I am all the happier to welcome a gratifying number of new members to us this year, after a major promotion, and welcome them all. On behalf of the Executive Board, I would like to express my thanks to all members of the Association for their participation in the Association.

Relationships are made and nurtured, but eventually it is time to say goodbye, voluntarily or involuntarily. Less than a year ago, our treasurer Gregor Stirnimann and his two children had to undergo this painful experience. After much hope and anxiety in the family, a stubborn illness prevailed and erased the young life of his wife and mother Anita Stirnimann-Lisebach.

Almost simultaneously, the news of the death of our Honorary President Hans Stirnimann-Haupt, Ruswil, reached me. He was allowed to sleep peacefully at the age of 91 years.

I have expressed condolences to both bereaved families in the name of the Church.

This year's newsletter appears in its usual presentation. Worth mentioning is the interview series that has already become a tradition. Franz Stirnimann and his son Roland visited the Napfchäsi in Luthern with this intention. Roland has delivered, as usual, his professionally created interview. Many thanks to Franz and Roland.

Brand new, you will find an advertisement for a soul-warming book. Our affiliate Claire Kissling-Stirnimann is the author of this book. Let yourself be surprised.

So far so the most important thing. I now wish you many exciting, warming thoughts as you leaf through and read the newsletter, as well as appreciative family relationships for the Year of Merit 2008. So I remain with best regards.


Beat Stirnimann

The monk Jodokus looked in the diary


Father Jost Stirnimann (monastic name Jodokus, Jodok) lived from 1654-1706, of which 36 years in the monastery Muri, AG. In the years 1695-1697 he followed attentively the progress of the construction work on the today's monastery church.

The original of his diary is in the archive of the College Sarnen. In the next newsletter we publish a part of this diary. Here already the 4th episode.

Into the church: under the entrance the big organa was struck: the staff however carried Father Coelestin up the choir, stating the but he knelt on the altar with one over his shoulder, until at the choir there was a mute with fiddling and singing music, and the rest of the audience under his or her knyeten in the stoelen or where they could, exclude the four out of the eltisten auff the choir above the prespiterhen kneeled, crütz and flag carrier as well as the acoliti or kertzenstöck carrier, stuonden over the altar ex parte Chornu Evangelij, after which however the Mutes have changed name P. Celestine to the bar when he sang some orations before. in the hands; and gave with it the benediction, which one begs to give wan one blessed the wetter, singeth, which also sung and fostered by the choir amen. In the light of his dissertation he entered the bar into the Custrey, when he had been resolved into the oeuvre of Gdlinlin, the convent-gentlemen drank in her, and the gossip opened again, the twentieth october. the next day, which was true on the Saturday, nothing could be done, mr. P. Celestine, a medicine or a purgatz a neme. but vil volck came to here: if she avoided, he would dedicate the same day.

The 21st octobre which sunday true: the usual benediction succeeds. Under the circumstance that the morning service was held in the morning, the sage, as on our day's notice, came next to villem zulauffent volck, the trey pfareyen Muri went to Muri, Boswil, and Büntzer hiehär to the monastery with Crütz Under God's service was vil frändes and home vock confession heard. after full service of the gods, the great bells were opened, to a sign that the procession and benediction would be addressed: under whose tutelage P. Celestinus drove out the bar outside Custri, erected him the altar, and joined two cantores to sing the leteney of all saints and so began the procession, first the flocks advanced and fared ahead, as well as some lame bearers out of the parcels, according to them trey secular priests, alike mister pianist to Bosweil with his capellan, the trite ware a capellan of Mahrisch - wall, in skirts, after them the sigerist of peder-churches with boys-boys, who the rossenkrantz batsman; after that small monastery fähnlin and crütz between two kartzenstöck carriers with lit tenants, after all patres and Fratres in the chorkut the brother but in their habit. according to which, however, P.Coelestinus with the staff would be forced to co-ordinate, namely P. Aegidium, which would be Custo's, and P. Petrum which pusher true to Muri, both dressed with skirts and stoles, but he had P. Coelestinus hate überröck and funneral to stol and cormantel: the procession almost reaches where one is on the day of ours, the first benediction is true under the monastery in the weyermat, almost at the same place, where the first altar is pending at the beginning of our day; the other true, in the kööwmätlin: the trite was in the dull hinder the kilkbüöl: the fourth under the kirchhoff strägen in the pfarkirchen, at the fäld, what a beet beet: at one indian benediction a gospel was unraveled, has one Father Aegidius, but one Peter P. left both assistants; the first and the last, however, he left to himself by P. Celestine, from the beginning of the Benediction up to the reading, stack of the h. stab in the earth, but later name of P. Celestine, and gave the benediction darmit. according to which the procession came to sant Leontij brounen, stuonde crütz and fan, as well as the accoliti still; the convent, however, except the two assistants which P. Coelestino assisted, went on to our beloved Frauwen Letaney singent, to the abbey churches, and thus ended the procession. 

However, P. Coelestinus, with his assistants Crütz and Klosterfähnlin et duobus acolitis, first prescribed S. Leontij Brunnen, that is the water in it, so that the water would come over the well-watered water: after that the remaining water was put into the dishes, and things other than saltz, brod, and other things more: so the common folk were brought up, even sawn, as well as the sick and the prestige of the self. But it would have been so good to adduce, to adduce, and to adduce the most of the pre-polymunded matters, which would have been dealt with by h. Leontij's wells ran down the bar, down the side of the street, so much cheeky kauyerte or stuonde, but the whole church was also the same. that is to say, Father Coelestinus had done so many things, more than one hour to write. in the church as well as other things, as mentioned above, four large stander vol water were sawn for the people: just as much as a breeze hurts for the gothic house, so that it may rise and fall on the righteous. after full benediction, P. Coelestin did the h. stab rum in the Custrey. and you go to eat tomorrow. After the vesper, when everything was still in the choir, Fr. Celestine performed the h. I went up to the choir, and gave myself up to the high altar to kiss all the religions, which, after the earing, was done like the other one in the country, to clear the hearts, according to the Claresi, and so have some of them from the foremost hired servants. after some adiction, Patter Coelestin went in friendly direction with the h. but, in the monastery, back and forth to do the same, but it was accompanied by the bar, with the procession crutz, two candlesticks with candelabra and burning candles, with their assistants. But the garbage and the garbage were especially sprinkled, as well as the whole well bed full of water of the fountain of hope, the new bauw, in all trey condignationes: first on the ground in the new cuckoo; on the other hand in the new conventstuuben, tritens on the upper new Dormitori. after complete ...... benediction of the monastery, P. Coelestin still gave some pretended and tranquility in the church of bey sant Michaels altar and finally in front of the leaves to kiss them the bar: and after the bar worn back in the Custrey:

The other day, which was the true Monday, Father Coelestinus traveled with the bar. Hermetschweil Bränggarten, Willmärgen, Wollen: umb alle benedicieren the places. but he had to escort P. Petrum nostrum parochum in Muri. When he went out to the church with his staff, they also rang all the bells again. After having given to all the ears mimicked, he came back with the h. stab and P. Petro in the monastery of Muri, and stay overnight here; the next day he went up to the Lucerne area to write to one and the other pfahreyen; but it was true of the godfather Muri to give one by one P. Aegidius noster at that time custos alhier. which, too, is bound on the twentieth day. It worshiped the goddess Muri mitsambt the whole Muri ambt, to a grateful sign: 10 taller, the godshuß has ihme P. Coelestino gave Saxon Taller, the servant one, a drink. the pfarrey Muri zwöy taller, bosweil a taller. pfarey büntzen a taller: that was summatim 10 taller.

14th October have begun the first part of the New Building, that is to say of the great hope that the gardening order of the gardening gentleman would be amassed: to feed up Dachstool.


Monestary Muri - Family Window Fleckenstein, Lucerne - "Martin Allemann Photo Archive, Muri AG"

On the 26th of October, the cloisters of Frauwe, at their own request from the capitel allhie to Muri, have been mentioned in our guise. but with the condition that no one is guilty of having them measured: in case of their death. 

On December 19, a chapter was held in which Father Meinradus, who was at that time a schoolmaster, that is, a teacher, was appointed professor of philosophy. In his place, Fr. Luitfridus became a teacher, who at the time was a singing teacher. In his place is P. Become Franciscus singing teacher. In this chapter, the abbot gave admonitions to poverty, which also called the lay brothers into the hypocaust of the chapter or monastery.

On the 27th of December the lay brothers Peter Zender from the Zuger Land, a parish called Neuewen, were far from Bahr, and Andreas Kuenig from Brauwill, in Kilchgang beiwil. One has been called Adelreich since the time of his profession, and has been called rich, but he is Matthias. 

On the 30th of December, the Sunday after Christmas, after the Completorium, shortly after 7 o'clock in the evening, there is a stone by urin gang, walk away from me; in size, a large hemp nut kernel.

On June 19, there was a session of the Chapter in which a change of ministry was made because Fr. Prior Boniface Weber quit the Lucerne Priory for his crimes. He was replaced by Father Subprior Benedictus Somenberg, also from Lucerne and son of the praetor there. In place of the mentioned

P. Subprior advanced P. Leontius, at that time instructor. No one took his place, but the position of instructor remained vacant until the time to be determined by the superiors. But because P. Leontius, the present subprior, had been a confessor in Eschenbach, he was succeeded by P. Meinradus. Likewise, since Fr. Antonius gave up his position as an instructor in the hands of the superiors, Fr. Jodocus Stirnenmann was appointed in his place to the instructor of the lay brothers.

On July 11, there was a session of the chapter, to which Messrs. Georgius [unles.], the parish of Sursee, and Mr. Johannes Jacobus, the pastor in Mentznau appeared, who exchanged their offices with the agreement of the chapter. 

On July 13, our Lord Abbot, and with him our Father Victor, set off for Rüplissau to start a cure for drinking the acid fountain. 

On the 10th of August our Lord Abbot returned home safe and sound, on the day of St. Lawrence, at about 9 o'clock in the morning. On his arrival in the house of the chapter he was received by Fr. Anselmus with a welcome speech in the presence of all the monks who could come and also the lay brothers. the other day,

On the 11th of August, which was the son's day: they had come together at the convent: from the beginning of the meal our gracious lord had summoned a large group of volks or barrels which had sold the whole table, and could have another one of them They were welcome, and even the brutes, but even the mundane ones, were so content: what were Herr Kanzler, Herr Willt, and our Amanus Stierlin? Disse diameters were the kram, from the sour brine.

On August 31, a chapter has been celebrated in which Mr. Synesius Tisser from Bremgarten has been assigned the office Lunkhofen, which Mr. John Jodocus Keller because he became vicar of Weitzkirch.


Monastery church Muri - "Photo Angela Losenegger, Muri"

On the 10th of September, around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we were repulsed with our mortars and stucken bey the upper churches: almost a hour. the other day, the 11th of sant Felix and Regula day was held in honor of the sacred Trinity at 6 o'clock in the morning with a Te Deum laudamus, and one has so much to ambt, as to the Te Deum waged with all the gloves to which Te Deum also shot with mortars and stumps; Because of the almost imperturbable fortress Open to the other Septembris, the Christians have rushed in with their hands after a long siege. Whatever the loss of the Turks and all that has been struck, thank God.

On the 23rd of October, Father Marcus de Aviano, in his rapture, came to Hungary: when he had caught up with the Sumer through the Buda, or the Frankish, Christian and warlike camp, he had succeeded, after the ambt and godly service of the gantzen convent in the chorkuten entpfangen in the vorhhär hofflin the church entkopten and accompanied into the choir: after he auff …

sequel follows

Markus Stirnimann

Cheese made with passion

Markus Stirnimann from Winikon in the Surtal is dreaming, he was once before: Käfermeister. After years of teaching and traveling he leads his wife together with Lucy and his staff in Naples, Napf. A state-of-the-art operation, the number of specialties produced.


Markus and Lucia Stirnimann-Blum 

"We started small," says Markus Stirnimann modestly. But the cheese dairy, which was built in 1914 in Luthern, today presents itself under the name Napf-Chäsi AG as a state-of-the-art milk processing company. Every day around 15,000 liters of milk are processed in the attractive brick building with the modern extensions at the entrance to the village of Luthern. "The operation is designed for 20,000 liters, we aim for this goal in the medium term," says Stirnimann.

Main pillar is the Emmentalerproduktion. However, in order to support themselves economically and thus safer, Markus and Lucia Stirnimann-Blum have been gradually expanding and modernizing their operations since 1990. Specialties are produced such as the Napf-Chäs, a characterful semi-hard cheese, cup gold, a delicate creamy mutli, cup fondue, soft cheese, Ziger, yoghurt, niidle and pasty milk from the surrounding Napfbergland, as well as herb and cucumber butter , These and other regional products will be sold directly in the store managed by Lucia Stirnimann. However, shops and restaurants in the region of Sursee, Ruswil, Fischbach and St. Urban as well as in the direction of Bern are also supplied. "I want to further expand our sales network and force direct sales," says the 43-year-old.

He is actively supported by his wife Lucia. She is a family man, runs the shop with the now four employees, is responsible for billing, maintains the homepage (, administers the administration, graphics and much more. Markus and Lucia are parents of five children; Martina 92, Lea 96, Jana 98, Melvin 02, Liora 04. In their spare time, they enjoy the family life and natural beauty of Napfbergland.

Meanwhile, Napf-Chäsi AG has also set up a show for locals and tourists. "We had more and more requests for private and corporate visits. People want to see how our products are made, “says Markus Stirnimann. And, of course, the visitors also want to try the dairy products on the spot. For example, during a cozy fondue evening in the specially designed visitor room, next to the imposing cheese warehouse.

The board of the dairy cooperative - it owns the infrastructure, while the responsibility for the production and marketing of Markus and Lucia Stirnimann lies with the Napf-Chäsi AG - was enthusiastic about this idea. "The spark immediately jumped over to Cooperative President Jules Stöckli," says Stirnimann. "This is best advertisement for us and the Luthertal," says Stirnimann, "and the added value remains here, which is very important." Because when customers come down to the valley, jobs are also retained. "We are fighting against emigration," reasons Stirnimann. For example, more and more holiday guests are discovering the dairy specialties and are fitting in with corresponding souvenirs before they return home.

"We have developed this infrastructure, we are ready for the future," Markus Stirnimann is convinced. "We have always built something, there is always something going on, that makes our work interesting." But that benefits not only his company and the employees. Stirnimann: "If it had not come to the cooperation and development of this farm, there would be no cheese dairy in Lutherntal today.” Napf-Chäsi AG has thus become an important economic factor for the peripheral region. The milk from over 500 cows is processed here, the whey goes back to the farms and is fed to the pigs. All the heat energy is provided by the small business from the nearby sawmill Christen from a thermal network.

With the Napf-Chäsi AG, a boy dream has come true for Markus Stirnimann. "It has always been clear to me that I want to become a cheese maker." His grandfather and father ran a dairy processing plant in Ruswil and Winikon. "I grew up with it, as a jack I helped out on the weekends." During the three-year apprenticeship as a cheese maker - today this is the dairy technologist - he changed the training location every year to gain as much experience as possible. "I already knew then that I want to run a company at some point." The first year he spent with the Graf family in Oberkirch, then moved to Roggliswil to Toni Thalmann and the third year of apprenticeship he ended in his father's business in Winikon.


Then Markus Stirnimann went on a professional hike. "For about a year, I helped out in various places, be it because the cheese-maker was ill or on vacation or had to go to the WK." It had been exhausting, but very valuable to learn as much as possible. "In some places I was briefly introduced by the boss in the morning and one day later I had to run the cheese dairy myself," he recalls. So he was given a lot of responsibility early on.

He has not regretted this until today. "I never had the feeling that I was missing something." He was simply fascinated by it together in the cheese dairy in Winikon. Markus Stirnimann also graduated from the Dairy School in Sursee and passed the master craftsman exam. And again and again he looked around for a cheese factory, which he could take over himself. "This is because my father was still relatively young when I finished the master exam.”

He has strayed from the idea of taking over his parents' business. "Dealing with some farmers in Winikon was not easy. There was resentment and it was a suffering, "he regrets. Markus Stirnimann looked elsewhere for a cheese factory, which he could take over. With the father he sought to take over a business in eastern Switzerland. "But it turned out that this would have been too expensive, the price-performance ratio was not right. So he continued working with his father in Winikon - and kept his eyes open.

1990 was the time. From the cheese dealer received a tip that the cheese cooperative Luthern was looking for a successor to retiring Hermann Wey. "At that time I acted in something youthful arrogance," says Stirnimann. And it worked. He took over the business as sole responsible entrepreneur. "I wanted not like my predecessor employed by the farmers as a manager, but can independently make decisions. Together with his wife Lucia he negotiated with the farmers about the interest for the dairy and negotiated the milk price. In the same year, the apartment was renovated in the cheese factory. In 1994 and 1995, the operation was renovated for almost 2 million francs. Engine room, basement, production rooms and all outbuildings have been upgraded structurally and technically.

"As soon as we were done, the crisis started," he says. Cheese prices plummeted in 1999, the Confederation withdrew from the cheese business (cheese union), negotiations with farmers over milk prices became increasingly difficult. The kilogram of Emmentaler did not cost even more than six francs. Many cheese factories had to give up.

The Stirnimanns founded the Napf-Chäs AG. "We wanted to separate private from business and make the bill transparent to farmers," explains Markus Stirnimann. Luck was on their side: the merger with the Ellbach cheese dairy was successful, processes were rationalized and the company has been operating at full capacity ever since. New products were launched successfully. Thanks to the great commitment of Markus and Lucia, the next few years went well and the company expanded.

"It has been shown," says Markus Stirnimann, "that we have special in-house productions be successful. If we produce what everyone else does, it will not work. "Therefore, he continues to look ahead, conquering new markets and regions.

"We always have new ideas and visions for our company," says Stirnimann. In order to be able to pursue these further, it needs good, reliable coworkers in the enterprise. "It's the only way we have the time to develop something new." He does not want to give away how much time he spends working on. Only so much: starting work is for him in the morning at 03.45 clock.

Roland Stirnimann 

"Surseer Woche"

Remarks, the Cultural Association Stadtmühle Willisau has published a comprehensive booklet on the history and importance of Napf-Chäsi AG Luthern (



Some time ago our longtime member Claire Kissling-Stirnimann took the trouble to capture her childhood memories in a small book (70 pages). She wants to show her descendants how everyday life was going on back then. Her father comes from Altbüron LU, so close to our ancestors! - We recommend this interesting and entertaining writing everyone.

The booklet can be obtained directly from Ms. Claire Kissling-Stirnimann, Susenbergstrassse 104, 8044 Zurich and costs CHF 15.-. Below some excerpts from the script as "reading samples”.



The thumb on the foot


The blame

The cockchafer

The ornithologists

The slap

The Christmas tree

The escape

The conflagration

The ghost

The rifle

The Negerbbi

The trauma

The poisoning

Little angels and devils 

The talents

© 200S by Clara Elsa KissIing-Stirnimann


MY SHORT STORIES are from the desire to leave a legacy to my grandchildren.

The title "Soul-Warmer" dates back to my time Childhood and youth. We children, that means probably in the main the girls. Wore knitted: shawls. They were put over their shoulders. under the chest and Arms crossed and buttons on both sides attached. These buffaloes were against the cold Called "soul heat". The name therefore liked come that one generally accepted the human Soul is in the upper third of the body, just like it is the heart too.

My stories are a kind of mental Souls warmer. They are intended to stimulate young and old, to raise awareness and to give pleasure. The technized World is in danger to freeze in cold and intolerance, and spending hours sitting in front of some technical machines or apparatus helps the interpersonal relations by no means. My stories should also be a bridge between young and old. They should be thought-provoking. For the elderly whom awakened the memories, and the young should they show how to use their older role models too. of that time were faced with problems and problems that arose.

So I wish my generation fun and Joy of reading and my grandchildren's beautiful memories your grandmother.


THE CHILDREN'S SERVICE Sunday morning was for every time a feast. Never had anyone at home so much Time for long stories. So I sat fully loaded- attention in the wooden pew. I leaned his arms on the back of the front bench, the Chin on his arms, and now nothing could stop me distracted. The biblical stories, of the Sunday told the day school teacher, I gave my full attention. I did not keep an eye out of the lips Speaker, and so opened up with a strange world. People walked in orange groves and under Cypresses, and prickly cacti had juicy It was particularly nice to me that Jesus too much barefoot went or at most wore sandals.

One of these biblical stories is especially in my memory remained because they think and ponder me gave. This is the story of the entrusted talents. It really appealed to me, about the true values to think of life.

In the Bible you can find written information about it Luke and Matthew. When brooding over this emerged a mess in my head. If namely in my family spoke of my talent, then one usually meant my arts at gymnastics. I regularly got the best at school Grades for gymnastics and singing, and father then said dry, he would have liked to see more talent in the Mathematics.

In biblical history, there was talk of talent which was to be increased. A rich man gave his like his talents or his servants, because et long journey. You should increase it and, if possible, double it. That, in turn, seemed to me like that these talents could only be money. In contradiction to this, however, it was said in the Bible, “blessed are the poor, because they own the kingdom of heaven”.

So I came as a child in a real dichotomy. Should I now promote and nurture the talents that are in me cradle had been laid, which according to father's opinion was unnecessary, or should I focus more on those talents focus, which meant money and that increase it gave. In this respect was helped in my distress, as I yes also possessed only the talents inherited at birth and entrusted property was not available, from a savings book my father managed.

Either way, the Bible was to me a book with many puzzles. It seemed to me that she never straightforwardly said what she did said. She always hid the sense of something behind a curtain of ambiguity and ambiguity.

It took time for me to realize that Adults often meant something other than what they said. Over studying and pondering, and not only in biblical parables did I slowly become spiritual grown up and got the true values of life more and more on the track, or at least meant it. After I was brutally raped with the Reaper's early death, quality, intellectual and commercial talents had to be implemented quickly.