Newsletter No. 36 Ruswil - Marcg 2010

Table of Contents

Foreword 1

The monk Jodokus looked into the diary 2

Thomas Stirnimann 6

Minutes of the 13th

Family Meeting, Ruswil 8

Forum 10

Miscellaneous 11

Dear relatives and acquaintances, 

Dear members and friends of our family association

"Honesty and money drives the world", announces a German proverb. The honor, according to Wikipedia, by the way, described as "respectability" towards a person within a collective, is from time immemorial already a controversial concept in its effects. One can be honored by his actions or be awarded. You are respectful of someone you feel very inferior to honor. Regarding the divine one speaks even of awe. On the other hand, "injured honor" is often forcibly restored in disregard of the rule of law. Who has lost the honor, must live with the opposite, the shame, or at least as a milder form in a personal disgrace. It is also interesting to note that the pursuit of a person for honor or fame often leads to personal and external conflicts. In medieval and modern Europe, there was a constant focus on avoiding open conflicts as far as possible when dealing with and resolving disputes, as any possible loss of honor by the adversary entailed considerable escalation potential. The current state dispute Switzerland - Libya sends its regards.

The second term of the German proverb, money, needs no further explanation. The current affairs around the financial crisis makes speechless enough. It is interesting to me that the proverb with its two terms honor and money addresses two different areas, on the one hand our weaknesses for all material values, on the other hand a personal and emotional value. Both, honor and money, are probably necessary, but for me there is the great danger of falling into an egoism, so that one closes the eyes for the fellow humans and the environment.

Perhaps it would be a new approach to transform "honor" into "esteem", i. To respect and respect the value and importance of others and the environment in a positive way. However, it would be essential to keep a critical eye on one's self and one's behavior and accept one's weaknesses and limitations, even in the smallest cell in our state, our families. Who knows, maybe even many problems of our time could be solved with it.

Last September the 13th Family Meeting of our association took place in Ruswil. Certainly it was an honor for our founding place Ruswil to host the occasion of the 35th birthday of our association. Many satisfied faces, positive feedback, great weather and a good kitchen were the pleasing conclusion of the day. For a detailed reminder, see the minutes of our conference in this newsletter.

This year's newsletter again appears in its usual form. Due to the fact that inquiries about family trees come to us again and again and that we can not adequately answer the lack of resources and expertise, we would like to use the knowledge of all member members. The "Forum" section, launched a few years ago, is in line with the Internet WikiPedia trend of providing individual knowledge to a wider community so that each and everyone can benefit from each other to simultaneously update and gain knowledge complete. Let us use this possibility. Let us pass on our knowledge when making inquiries. May it be only small pieces, ultimately, these lead to the whole. I thank you in advance for your contribution.

Finally, a message from the board. Our member Hans Stirnimann, Ruswil, agreed at the last meeting of the Executive Board to accept the honorable office of Vice President. I thank Hans very much for this readiness.

May this year's foreword on "honor" not be too frightening for Hans!

Now I would like to wish you some exciting moments while looking through the newsletter and I wish you a happy year of marriage in the sense of my new, future-oriented saying-wish-word, which I recklessly reinterpreted from the mentioned German proverb: "Drive appreciation and diligence the world soon. “

With kind regards,


Beat Stirnimann

The monk Jodokus looked in the diary


Father Jost Stirnimann (monastic name Jodokus, Jodok) lived from 1654-1706, of which 36 years in the monastery Muri, AG. In the years 1695-1697 he followed attentively the progress of the construction work on the today's monastery church.

The original of his diary is in the archive of the College Sarnen. In the next newsletter we publish a part of this diary. Here already the 6th episode.

No division has been announced and kept: when the mother, my sister Lisabeth, with her children, take care of the housekeeping and all things, and keep: in the opinion of them, with the help of their governors, to preside. Your haubtguot, what she had Lisabeth von vatter, and Muotter, and had come from me: and brought to the waltert Meyer, her man, stretched after abrächnug court judgments auff 10076 guldin. 23 ß. 3 b. Blessed by her husband, she did not want to honor, but leave everything to the children. 

On the 11th of June there was a chapter in which a young man from Freiburg was admitted to the test whether he could get into the novitiate. Similarly, the redemption has been arranged by Mr. Johannes Jodocus Suter, our vicar in Sursee, who had to pay 200 guilders for the Redemption.

Similarly, on the same day my niece died on the evening of my brother Johannes, Margaritha, the wife of Meinrad in the treasure in the parish of Geiss. Likewise, after a few weeks, my other niece followed her by my brother Sebastian, also Margaritha by name, the wife of Joseph in Bentzischwil in the municipality of Emnen in Rothenburg.

On 19 July, Father Carolus, at that time master chef, was sent to Baden with Mr Cancellarius Carolus Wissenberg on the terms of reference of the cantons, in order to settle a matter with the land registrar and Prefect Wäber of Zug, on the murder of A woman in Werdi goes about it, whether it's witchcraft or not.

On the 5th of August a little boy, von Bärichen in the Pfarrey Oberweil, was sent to bathe, who murdered a Meidtlin, so that he had not waves to marriages: besides that he had struck her in the head, he had also struck her in the gurgles with a knife, cut them into the masses over disses, cut off one ear, slotted the other, and in order that no argeon might be found, he carried the very same to church.

On the eighth of August on the eve of St. Lawrence the roofstool has been opened by the gracious lord capellen. Eight days after St. Lawrence, that is, on the 17th of August, which was a Sunday, after the high Mass and the singing of the Sexta, while we were still in the choir, the musician beat R.mi D. Abbatis in the chapel of the New Guild but without great harm, in which it did not light, but only one or the other stuck up and injured some other wood, especially the miter high helmet, in which it is too high where the knocking and shin was stuck thereupon beaten cut off a big piece and knocked off at the top, which replaced everything with new wood. the donnerklapff true so schrecklich that one would have avoided, one would have shot down a large chunk in the choir.

On the twelfth of August they sent the female brewery garden to the capuciners in a big fish-card, to bring the ordinary brod to them, but they were true from D. Abbate also from the Amman to prang garden, 300 guldin admits to beggar, and to take home with him: the gentleman Amman, however, would not trust them: fear that it might strike him, but said that he might send the mornings day through the knoll; If he did not give it to him, then in the next forest half-way there would be a Francisian forest brother with a little knablin to him, asked him what she was doing, and if he had no merit. but when he said that he had nothing, he laid his hands on him. the bööblin so bim waltbruoder ware verteäte the mouth, which he could not cry, the waltbruoder but ergesuhrte his gantz and even when he finds nothing in his hm, he would let him be weighed his feet, but followed her but after biß nacher strafflen, aldorten hid the female bob in a house or a barn, let the waldbruoder go with his knablin, according to name he weighed another, and came out before his moor, but when he showed the lord great killer how it would have happened to her, if the porter was ordered by the waldbruoder also for the portraits, he ought to take it into the restaurant, which would also be open. But when he was pissed at night, one would think of it, but he denied everything at its highest, but nibbled it everything: after he was pissed at night, he was in the squat house in a lounging chambers gefuördt, was verwachet, and held several days in the arrest, after which one was under shieliche times But if he did not want to obtain anything, he had been released on 18 August by certain means, and in the morning, in the early morning, he would have had to cross the hills of Lucerne, with a half taller limited and let pass. His knablin but you have not left with ihme special in the monastery. that you have not been supplied with anything else.

On the eighth of September, at the feast of the Blessed Virgin, one (Te Deum Laudamus) was solemnly sung in honor of the splendid and great battle, so that the Hungarians at Essegg in Hungary kept the doorbell: in which they were to fly ten thousand thousand his: also the crist of the whole trod, proviant, baggaschi over the hundred and long stucco: ia almost everything that was found to have been hailed.

On the 9th of September, Abbot Bomballus, who was once a Scholar, returned here several months ago to spend his years in peace and serve the Lord better and prepare better for death. He was buried in our funerary chapel on the right hand side near the entrance of the church.

On October 17, the 30th day of the Entombment was celebrated, with a wake and solemn absolution at his grave. According to the said office, there was a chapter in which Adelricus Stierlin was granted the title of a refectory in our monastery, so that he could receive sacred ordinations in Milan, where he was studying. His relatives, however, had to provide the monastery with sufficient security for the title of a cafeteria.

On the 5th of December there was a chapter in which the Lord suggested that Abbot, the young Balthasarus Seidler from Rüöthlingen, who had for some time been in need of a knot in the hope of being accepted into the Order, accepted as a lay brother. But it was decided by the chapter to send him to Rheinau, because the abbot of Rheinau had asked someone from our abbot. With the assurance, however, that if he finds no access there, he will be able to stay here again in his present state and wait for an opportunity to be admitted.

On December 11, the Apostolic Nuncio began his journey to Poland, for which he was appointed by the Pope as Extraordinary Nuncio. On this day he reached our monastery with an elaborate retinue of about 40 horses, and after he had lunched, he left for Melingen to spend the night there.

On the 14th of December in the morning the abbess of Hermetschwil, Maria Abundantia Redigin from Schitz, died in the Lord. Also on the same day at the same hour Mrs. Maria Flavia from the same monastery.

On December 16, the above mentioned abbess was buried. On December 18th, instead of the aforementioned abbess, Mrs. Maria Mechthildis from Rapperswil was elected. The abbot, P. Anselmus Weisenberg, P. Subprior Leontius Wirtz and P. Meinradus a Weib were present at the election.

On the 10th of February, the day of St. Scholastica, the Abbot of Hermetschwil Mechthildis Böschungin from Rapperswil was consecrated by our abbot. The consecration was attended by the abbot of Father Prior, Fr. Sebastianus, Ceremonarius, Fr. Anselmus, Fr. Aegidius, Custos and P. Gabriel.

On the 12th of February the abbot of St. Urban, Adelricus Gluz from Solothurn, was consecrated by the abbots of Dennenbach, Wentingen and Muri. With our abbot there were P. Gregory, P. Aegidius and P. Martinus, a father of the abbot mentioned.

On February 24, the abbot of Fischingen, Joachim N., died. 

On March 10, he was nominated and elected abbot in his place. Fr. Franciscus Trogger from Uri. At his election were the Abbot of Rheinau and that of Muri, was also present the Apostolic Nuncio from Lucerne. Our Abbot accompanied Franciscus there, but he was not admitted to the election. 

On March 24, after dinner, the abbot called in the Hypocausus a consultation of the Fathers on the question of whether a chaplain was to be built in Boswil, so that a secular priest could provide this task for 1000 guilders. It has been decided by the Venerable Fathers present that it should be done in such a way that the peasants of the parish should also contribute to yours, so that this new office could be included in the monastery, as the parish office is also involved, or at least that the monastery should be repaid.

In this consultation has also been addressed by some priests, whether it is not advisable to let the involved offices managed by the monks. The abbot said that he also leans on this view, but he supports a motion in the chapter.

On the 22nd and 23rd of March, Mr. John Franciscus Zurlauben from Zug was here, obrist sergeant in the train at Moream, to say good-bye to Abbot, his brother. With him came his brothers, Mr. Capitaneus and P. Wilhelmus from the monastery Wettingen.

On March 30, the abbess of Hermetschwil, Maria Mechthildes Böschungin, who was elected last year on December 18, died, so she held office for 103 days, that is, three months, one week and five days.

On the 31st of March, the aforementioned Abbess Mechthildis Böschungin was buried. The Abbot, Father Prior and I came to our funeral from our monastery. The sermon was given by P. Electus, a Capuchin from a Bremgarten family.

The following day, on April 1, the election of the new abbess took place. Ms Maria Anna Brunerin from Glarus has been elected. In the election were our abbot as chairman, P. Anselm as a notary, P. Subprior and I as witnesses. The abbess gave me [unles.]

On April 21, the professor of philosophy held a solemn final examination in philosophy. The first was Philip Achlin, the second Br. Augustinus Effinger, the third Br. Henricus to Gilgen, the fourth Br. Andreas Luther. Her pro-fessor was P. Conradus Keller.

On April 22, Fr. Ambrosius Letter, the pastor of Hohenburg, came to Klingenberg. On the one hand for recreation, on the other to do retreats.

On the 26th of April, the aforementioned Fr. Professor Conradus held a solemn disputation on all philisophy, to which he had invited many guests from various monasteries, as well as secular priests.

On May 8, the abbot celebrated a chapter in which the pastorate of Agenwil Mr. N. Keller was transferred from Klingenberg. But because he did not have a presbyterate at that time and was still busy with the study of theology, he was replaced for a time by our abbot by Fr. Bonaventura, who at that time was pastor in Büntzen. In its place were some of the younger priests, who were to manage the Büntzener parish alternately for every 14 days. The catechist is Fr. Martinus.

This chapter also introduced Balthasarus Sidler, who had been serving the convent for about a year, as well as a young man from Freiburg, who also lived in our monastery for about a year, at some point to be included in the novitiate, if he thought fit. But in this chapter it has been decided that he should be dismissed as unfit because he can not learn the song. However, it has been decided on the Balthasarus mentioned that he should persevere in his ministry until someone dies from the monastery or is otherwise available. But if he did not want to wait, he should seek his fortune elsewhere.


Muri Monastery - Bishop Erasmus on Family Disc Hug / Tamann / Fleckenstein - "Martin Allemann Photo Archive, Muri AG"

On May 15 Mr. Hometer died in Hitzkirch. He was buried without ceremony. His burial was solemnly celebrated on the 24th of May, on the 25th of the seventh day of Entombment.

On May 26, our bailiff was buried in Bosweil, N. Rösst. 

On June 11, the Friday after Pentecost, after the usual request for alms, all the needy have been sent to the monastery church to pray there and to thank for the happy construction of the new buildings and continue to protect God for this and the entire monastery to solicit all evil, especially from thunderstorm and fire damage.

Thomas Stirnimann

Protect and enjoy nature

As Head of the Nature and Landscape Department of the Canton of Lucerne, Thomas Stirnimann ensures that the environment is not neglected at various interfaces. But nature is not only a matter of great professional concern to him, he is also outdoors in private and enjoys the flora and fauna.

"Working outside with other people to make something for nature, so that something beautiful is created or preserved, I particularly enjoy my job," says Thomas Stirnimann. Today, one is no longer an individual fighter in this task, as one did a few years ago, but one works with the most diverse people.

Stirnimann was born on 15 April 1961, grew up in Rain for three years and spent his youth in Rothenburg. Today he lives with his family in Emmenbrücke. His wife works part-time as a real estate manager, his 20-year-old daughter is studying geography and the 18-year-old son is living in Australia and learning English. Both children are on the fly. Thomas Stirnimann attended the Cantonal School in Reussbühl, then studied natural sciences at the ETH Zurich and graduated in systematic and ecological biology. After various professional positions, he started in 1991 at the canton of the newly created Office for Nature and Landscape Protection, which was merged in 2004 with other departments of the Environment and Energy. For five years he has been heading the Department of Nature and Landscape.


With nine people and seven and a half full-time posts, he "advises and informs, carries out the legal regulations and coordinates the nature conservation tasks within the cantonal administration", as it is called something dry in the job description. His everyday life is anything but monotonous, because the goal is: To preserve or create an environment in which humans, animals and plants will find a good quality of life in the future as well.

Special responsibilities: The most important keywords are species protection, nature reserves and nature conservation contracts. In terms of species protection, the canton of Lucerne has a special responsibility throughout Switzerland for the Glögglifrosch, the grass snake and the yellowfinch butterfly. "These animals have a main distribution area in Lucerne or have special habitats," explains Thomas Stirnimann. So it is the task of him and his team to show what is necessary for the life and the preservation of these animals. "We define the goals and the means that are needed, then we will implement the species assistance program together with our partners in agriculture and forestry for years," he explains.

Furthermore, all habitats of animals and plants are recorded and monitored. "We are required by law to define protected areas as far as necessary and to ensure that they are upgraded," says Stirnimann. Nature reserves are managed and controlled by their department - always in cooperation with the affected communities. In addition, nature conservation contracts are negotiated with the farmers concerned, who take care of the cultivation and care. In return, they receive financial compensation.

Good arguments: As head Thomas Stirnimann is also responsible for the budget of his department. In contrast to the Department, the Government and the Cantonal Council, it must show what financial means it does and why. "If we need more money for a task, I have to argue very well, for example, if the bundle defines new habitats that need to be maintained." Turning around, good arguments are needed when the canton calls in "turnarounds", as in the over the past few years and again and again. "The money issue is always latent, there are cuts that can lead to a reduction in benefits, even though our duties are associated with legal obligations." In addition, Thomas Stirnimann also represents his office externally. He participates in congregational meetings or attends gatherings of hunters, fishermen or nature groups such as the Pro Natura. He explains various aspects of his duties at the service and seeks dialogue. "This is because we all somehow have the same goal - an intact nature.

Understanding has grown: The understanding for a functioning nature conservation has improved greatly in the past decades. "My predecessor still had big problems in this regard," says Thomas Stirnimann. For agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and other stakeholders made demands, but to the left or right was barely looked at then. On the other hand, nature conservation was unable to offer compensation for its claims, for example to farmers, which did not make the situation easy. Today, there are money for nature conservation services and that is a very good argument. "Today, dialogue works very well everywhere," says Stirnimann in his daily work. For example, the nature conservation payments have become a strong foothold for many farmers, which of course greatly improves cooperation. This also applies to hunting, fishing or forestry. New laws, price erosion and value change would have led to a major shift in thinking in all areas.


This change has also led to the Department of Nature and Landscape abandoning its present location in the old Schild building on the Rotsee and relocating it to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry in Sursee by the Environment and Energy Department by the end of February. That makes sense, according to Thomas Stirnimann, because this would allow synergies to be exploited. "Sursee is right, because we've been working together for years.”

Dangers due to introduction: But even at the new location, work is not enough for Stirnimann and his team. For example, in the area of invasive neobiota. These are animals and plants that are introduced from abroad or even from other continents and that displace native species because they have no natural enemies in Switzerland. One of these is the Japanese knotweed, which overgrows not only gardens but also the banks of rivers. "In winter it rots and the bare brook ridges are washed away at high tide," explains Thomas Stirnimann. But the Wandermuschel, the Rostgans, turtles or the raccoon are not without problems. "In this area we do not get along as desired along with other departments of the canton and other countries are on the road, that makes us think." Here, it still needs a lot of education work for the population. However, there are also potential for conflict in existing nature reserves. Be it with dog owners or athletes. "Not least, nature conservation benefits humans too," emphasizes Thomas Stirnimann. People should experience nature, perceive it and, in a good sense, consume it.

The intact nature enjoys Thomas Stirnimann also in his spare time. "As a hunter and game warden, I try to give something back to the environment with care and care." Above all, he enjoys nature as a physical and mental balance.

Roland Stirnimann

"Surseer week”

13th Family Meeting, Restaurant Rössli, Ruswil

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Minutes of the General Assembly

WelcomeThe President Beat Stirnimann warmly welcomes all members of the association in the festively decorated hall of the Restaurant Rössli, Ruswil. After all visitors from near and far have fortified themselves with coffee and croissants, the talented music group "Always Hungry" surprises us with its uplifted and youthful sounds. There is a special joy today as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the family organization Stirnimann-Stirnemann. Beat Stirnimann sends a special greeting to honorary member Alois Stirnimann with his wife, Wolhusen, and then to all members of the Executive Board:

- Philomena Bartholdi-Stirnimann, archive and decoration

- Agnes Bensegger-Stirnimann, protocol and decoration

- Franz Stirnimann, address printing company Gregor Stirnimann, cashier

- Fritz Stirnemann and Hans Stirnemann, members

- Josef Stirnimann and Thomas Stirnimann, Auditors apologies

- Georges Stirnimann, Colmar (with letter and greeting to all)

Business part: A Presence list is given away. 76 adults and 6 children attended today's family meeting. A change of agenda is not requested. Election Counters Short review of the president. Almost exactly four years ago, the last meeting took place in Sempach. In the meantime, six board meetings were held.

- In 2007, membership advertising with letter, 28 new members.

- Homepage has been revised.

- New system with the payment slips.

- Activities of our members: Peter Stirnimann, Möhlin initiates a flag coat of arms action.

- Luzia and Markus Stirnimann, Luthern, ask us historical material available. - Preparation work for today's family conference

Death Eve: When beloved people die, in thought they stay with us all the time. So we had to say farewell in our association of loved ones.

- Maria Stirnimann-Schenkermayr (79), member of the Board, died in January 2006

- Hans Stirnimann-Haupt (91), honorary president, died in March 2007

- Philomena Bartholdi-Stirnimann, Zug

- Agnes Bensegger-Stirnimann, Oberrüti

- Franz Stirnimann-Bühlmann, Lucerne

- Gregory Stirnimann-Lisebach, Nottwil

- Josef Stirnimann-Tura, Cham

- Fritz Stirnemann, Zurich As a result of the death of Maria Stirnimann-Schenkermayr, Hans Stirnimann, Ruswil, has been elected to the Executive Board today. The president Beat Stirnimann, Ruswil is elected by Franz Stirnimann. Franz owes the great work of our President and his election is confirmed with great applause. The two auditors Josef Stirnimann and Thomas Stirnimann are also re-elected.

If you would like to get a good idea from the members, you can do so by e-mail. The new ideas will then be discussed at the meeting. People are still being sought for the project. It is possible to purchase literature about the family association.

Thanks: The President sends a heartfelt thank you to Pia and Robert Erni, Gasthaus Rössli. Another thanks goes to Rudolf Gut, who helped design the guided tours. Beat Stirnimann also sends a thank you to the members of the Management Board and auditors, who are allowed to take home two small pots of table decorations as a small thank you. Of course, there is also a thank you to all participants of today's Family Meeting.

At 12.00 the general meeting will be closed and the guests will start the cozy part. We will be served a fine lunch.

After lunch three guided tours will be held with Rudolf Gut and Beat Stirnimann, namely the church, the rectory with its stately rooms and the schoolhouse. So we learn a lot of "history" about our home town Ruswil.

At 15.00 the guests will return to the Restaurant Rössli and enjoy the delicacies of the rich dessert buffet. In an excited mood and interesting conversations, the guests talk for a while and then return home with good memories.

Chief Prosecutor Agnes Bensegger-Stirnimann

Who knows or knows something about one

Albert Stirnimann - ca, probably born in Ettiswil in 1854?

The following e-mail message arrived in January 2010:

Mr President, the name of my wife's grandmother was STIRNIMANN. Her father, Albert STIRNIMANN, was born around the year 1854 in Eriswil or Ettiswil (Lucerne). His parents are Joseph Stirnavann and Maria Steger (or Steger). He came to France before 1885, to Lyon. Also before 1885 he married Rosa STECK - we do not know where - and they had at least four children born in Lyon. Rosa STECK died around the year 1894 - we do not know where - her husband, Albert STIRNIMANN, died in Lyon on 19 February 1908. Unfortunately, that's all we know about Albert STIRNIMANN. Could you use this information to tell us more about the ancestors of Albert STIRNIMANN? My wife would like to know more about her family history. We want to thank you in advance for your help. With kind regards,

Jean-Yves CROISSANTMail:

References can be sent directly to Mr. Croissant or to our President. Thank you for helping us.