Ruswil - October 1985 No. 11 


Introduction by the President 1

Review of the President on the occasion of the 5th family conference 3

Minutes of the 5th family conference 4

Thoughts on the family conference by Liselotte and Heinz Stirnemann, GDR 7

New members 8

The ancestors of Ruswil and Neuenkirch 10 

(continuation of the article in circular no. 10 by Prof. Dr. Joseph Stirnimann)

Congratulations and condolences 14

Information 15

Dear relatives and cousins

Dear members and friends of our family association

"Gratitude is the memory of the heart". When I start with this saying, I look back with joy on last year's 5th family conference in Ruswil. The visit of the married couple Heinz and Liselotte Stirnemann from the Mark Brandenburg GDR and Othmar Stirnemann from Colmar (Alsace FR) gave this meeting an international character for the first time, which the board is very proud of. I am convinced that this meeting made new acquaintances or renewed old ones. I would like to refer you to the minutes in this circular regarding the business process of this conference.

Unfortunately, for health reasons, our long-time and proven treasurer, Anton Stirnimann from Lucerne, was forced to resign as treasurer in the spring of 1985. Anton Stirnimann is one of the founding members. He has followed and shaped the history of our association with great interest from the start. He always managed the till flawlessly and faithfully. The whole association is indebted to him for his unselfish work for the benefit of our association. In a simple ceremony on June 1, the board of directors paid tribute to his work in Eintracht in Rüediswil. At its meeting in March, the board of directors elected Alois Stirnimann, Wolhusen, previously auditor, as his interim successor. The next meeting then has to confirm his choice. We thank the new cashier for his willingness and wish him a lot of pleasure in his work as cashier.

In all modesty, on July 10, our Prof. Dr. Joseph Stirnimann celebrated his 70th birthday. The board celebrated it on June 1st. Despite his 70 years of age, he is still tirelessly at work and does not miss any opportunity to delve further into the history of our families. On behalf of all board members, the board congratulates him once again, thanks for his immense work for our family research, wishes him many more blessed years and hopes that many of his wishes will come true. Ad multos annos!

To make the newsletter clearer, we put a table of contents on the front page. I would like to thank everyone who paid the annual fee again last year or who even voluntarily increased it to CHF 20, 30, 50 or even 100. May I now ask you to use the enclosed payment slip to pay in the annual subscription for 1985.

Finally, a word about our ancestral home in Lower Roth. Unfortunately, the owner, Mr. Heinrich Muff, died unexpectedly as a result of heart failure at the young age of 32. His brother Leo will now take over the property and be the new owner of the house. He is ready to renovate the whole house properly in cooperation with the preservation authorities. But the cost estimate exceeds half a million. At the next board meeting we will discuss this topic and decide how the family association should get involved. This proper renovation is very important to us. We will orient you in due course.

I remain with best wishes for the rest of the year and I greet everyone kindly.

The President: 

Josef Stirnimann


It actually started romantically. In 1969, a hit from Switzerland quickly conquered the world. He had a name that was flattering for us: "Grüezi, Frau Stirnimaa". The vocal trio of this hit, it had the medieval name "The Minstrels", then invited all the women Stirnimann from Switzerland to a meeting in Lucerne. This idea sparked off with Anton Stirnimann from Lucerne, our first cashier. So he spontaneously got in touch with Professor Joseph Stirnimann, Lucerne, with the idea of ​​a family reunion. What followed was actually the logical consequence of ripe fruit. On September 6, 1970, the first family conference took place in the cozy Landgasthof Eintracht, Rüediswil, for which the innkeeper Josef Stirnimann did a lot of preparatory work. In all silence, however, Professor Dr. Joseph Stirnimann researched our family so thoroughly that he was able to publish the chronicle "The Stirnimann families in the cantons of Lucerne and Aargau" as early as 1973. On September 8, 1974, the founding of our current association of the Stirnimann families took place in the parish home in Ruswil, so that today we can celebrate the 10th anniversary almost to the day. Members of this founding committee were:

Prof. Dr. Joseph Stirnimann, Lucerne Hans Stirnimann-Haupt, Ruswil

Anton Stirnimann-Schöb, Lucerne Franz-Xaver Stirnimann-Seiler, Horw

Josef Stirnimann-Wälchli, Eintracht, Rüediswil

Kaspar Stirnimann-Müller, Sursee Josef Stirnimann-Haas, Ruswil

We can rightly look back on a very happy and successful history of the association. It is therefore a real need for me to thank all those people who have worked in any way for the flourishing of our association. You allow me to mention one person by name in my review: Professor Joseph Stirnimann. His modesty forbids me to do so. We owe everything our association is in large part to his research work. We are one of the few family associations that has a thorough family history based on solid source study. We wish him the best of health, God's blessings and much success in his further research for the years to come.

I would like to close the review with two sentences that I have already quoted in the newsletter:

Family, clan and home have always been among the forces that give us support and security.

It is our duty to have our members' understanding and to arouse and promote interest in the ancestors who, following one another in a centuries-old chain, cultivated the clod or exercised some other profession, helped determine the fate of their community and decided their lives in their ancestral home.

The President: 

Josef Stirnimann


Vauvenargues, French thinker


Location Ruswil, Gasthaus Rössli

Time Sunday, September 9, 1984, 12.30 p.m.

Chairman Josef Stirnimann-Haas, President

98 members present

Agenda 1. Welcome by the President

2. A brief review of the first 10 years of our family association

3. Elections

4. Amendment of Article 3 of the Articles of Association

5. various

The conference begins at 11 a.m. in the magnificent baroque church with Holy Mass, celebrated by our genealogist Prof. Dr. Joseph Stirnimann. In the Gasthaus Rössli, the aperitif donated from the club's treasury follows, much to the delight of the attendees.

1. Greeting by the President

President Josef Stirnimann welcomes the hundred or so association members who have traveled from near and far. Even two families abroad expressed their interest in our association, to everyone's delight. From Storbeck in the Mark Brandenburg (GDR) Mr. Heinz Stirnemann is present with his wife. His ancestors left in 1691 in the course of the great “Bernische" Emigration “the Switzerland. The family has been based in what is now East Germany since then. Mr. Heinz Stirnemann belongs to the 8th generation of the descendants of the emigrant Rudolf Stirnemann. The main farm, which was acquired almost 300 years ago, was never divided and today is still the proud size of around 60 hectares.

Mr. Georges Stirnemann, the services director of this Alsatian city, has come from Colmar. In this area, too, the "Stirnemanns" have been found since the middle of the 17th century. Our informant carried out extensive research into Alsace and the rest of France on the family of Stirnemanns, which produced very interesting results. At the initiative of Georges Stirnemann, three meetings of the Stirnemanns based in France have already taken place in Alsace, the first 10 years ago in Thann, the second 3 years ago in Colmar and the third on June 2nd, 1984 again in Colmar. This conference was an extraordinary success: 170 people, some from far away, including from Switzerland, came to Colmar.

2. Brief review of the first 10 years of our family association

Since the first meeting at the Hotel Eintracht in Rüediswil, we have been enjoying the world hit "Grüezi, Frau Stirnimaa" again and again. Today our association has 190 paying members. The President commemorates the founding members with honorable words, three of whom - Kaspar Stirnimann-Müller, Sursee / Gossau, Franz-Xaver Stirnimann-Seiler, Horw, and Josef Stirnimann-Wälchli, Rüediswil - are no longer with us - and thanks them on behalf of us of the association. Special thanks go to Prof. Dr. Joseph Stirnimann. We owe him the thorough research of our family, which contributed significantly to the consolidation of the association. His regular contributions give our newsletters lasting value.

Hans Stirnimann-Haupt, our deserved first President, and Prof. Joseph Stirnimann are made honorary members to great applause.

The President draws attention to the art exhibition in the dining room. The pictures depicting our family's farmhouses, especially in Ruswil, were painted by Maria Stirnimann, Prof. Stirnimann's sister. The colorful heraldic disks come from the workshop of Josä de Neve, Stans. Interested parties can contact the artist directly. The masterfully designed family tree of our President, which he had drawn by former teacher Josef Suter-Kleeb, Altbüron, met with general admiration.

Minutes: The minutes of the last family meeting were published in the circular and unanimously approved by the meeting.

3. Elections

The following members have resigned:

Anton Stirnimann-Schöb, Treasurer

Heidi Stirnimann, actuary

Maria Stirnimann-Schenkermayr, member

New members to be elected to the board:

Hans Stirnimann-Helfenstein, community clerk, Neuenkirch

Othmar Stirnemann, manufacturer, Sempach

Maria Stirnimann-Schenkermayr takes over the position of material manager

Heidi Stirnimann remains a member of the board

Alois Stirnimann, managing director, Wolhusen, is newly elected for Hans Stirnimann-Bucher, auditor.

4. Amendment of Art. 3 of the Articles of Association

The board of directors proposes an amendment to Art. 3 of the statutes with the purpose: "To be able to accept friends and patrons of the association who do not bear our name into the association." After a lively discussion, this application was rejected by a large majority.

Art. 3 is approved with the following wording:

1. Anyone who is connected to the family name Stirnimann (Stirnemann) by ancestry or marriage or has ancestors of this name can become a member of the association.

2. People who have made a contribution to the association can be appointed honorary members by the general assembly.

Cash report: The cash invoice, carried out by Anton Stirnimann, is approved and the cash report submitted by him is acknowledged with appreciation.

Auditor's report: The auditor's report is approved, best thanks and given charge to the board of directors.

Membership fee: The membership fee will remain at CHF 10.- as before.

5. Miscellaneous

The request to organize the next family meeting with the cousins ​​and bases from and in Alsace and to demand an increased membership fee as a subsidy for travel expenses is rejected. Should this trip be planned at all, it would have to be announced to the association members at least one year in advance.

End of the GM: 1.30 p.m.

The keeper of the minutes: 

Heidi Stirnimannn


Storbeck, October 01, 1984

"But the best you will meet will be the people”.

I would like to preface this final sentence of our world-famous local poet Theodor Fontane in his "Walks through the Mark Brandenburg". Nowhere else I can think of where it could fit better.

Dear Stirnimann: Still under the impression of this beautiful trip to you and the participation in your family day, we would like to thank everyone very much. The beautiful landscape, the cleanliness and neatness left a deep impression on us, which we will surely feed on for a long time to come. One would only like to say that in view of so much beauty here and in many other parts of the world, people have to find each other and not just the little man, but above all those who are responsible and have to make decisions.

Everything beautiful that moved us deeply and that we received with an open heart was only surpassed by the people we met. Whether on family day or as a guest with Mr. Josef Stirnimann and his family, Prof. J. Stirnimann with his efforts to show us a lot of things to see, or with Mrs. Maria Stirnimann and family, like with Mr. Hans Stirnimann-Haupt, everyone was to us immediately devoted.

At the family day we had the feeling that we weren't there for the first time. A few short words that were exchanged, a handshake, or often just a short nod said more than a lot of nice words. We felt we belonged.

As long as heart and eyes are open

To enjoy the beautiful, so long one can hope joyfully,

Will the world be there too.

The warmest greetings 

Heinz + Lisel Stirnemann


We warmly welcome new members:

Ms. Agatha Achermann-Stirnimann, Kastanienweg, 6375 Beckenried

Ms. Cgcile Schedler-Stirnimann, Schwalbenstrasse 16, 9202 Gossau SG

Dr. Phil. Knut Stirnemann, high school teacher, Matthofring 23, 6005 Lucerne

Walter Stirnemann, Managing Director, Matthofring 54, 6005 Lucerne

Guido Stirnimann-Birrer, gardener, Ober-Bernern, 6207 Nottwil

Othmar Riedener-Stirnimann, Georgshof 14, 9000 St. Gallen

Kurt Stirnemann-Nesser, master carpenter, Hubelstrasse, 6204 Sempach-Stadt

Miss Gina Stirnimann, sales clerk, Baarerstrasse 6, 6300 Zug

Josef Stirnimann, Zürichstrasse 96, 8134 Adliswil


Georges Stirnemann, rue des Blgs 8, Arlesheimer Hof, F-68000 Colmar


Marie v. Ebner-Eschenbach 

Austrian narrator

It is a particular pleasure for me to welcome and introduce two descendants of members of our family who emigrated abroad centuries ago as members of our association. These are:

1. Georges Stirnemann

rue des Bl6s 8, F-68000 Colmar. He took part in our conference in Ruswil last year and reported to us in a slide show about his family and the results of his thorough research. His progenitor Jakob Stirnemann, who immigrated from Switzerland, was born in Gränichen (AG) in 1709 and lived in Nieder-Burbach near Thann. The great-grandfather, Thiebault Stirnemann - he was married to Maria Staub of Zug - fought as papal Zuave against Garibaldi. Grandfather Thiebault Stirnemann worked as a stonemason in Thann. Benni Stirnemann, an uncle of Georges Stirnemann, moved to Bern in the last century, where he was President of the History Research Society. The well-known Bernese singer Bernhard Stirnemann is his grandson. One of Georges Stirnemann's brothers, Father Stephan, lives as a missionary in Mauritania. One of his sisters, Sr. Rudolfine, entered the Carmelite order and works as a catechist in Regensburg. Georges Stirnemann has promised us a contribution for the next newsletter.

2. Dr. Phil. Knut Stirnemann

Matthofring 23, 6005 Luzern, is a descendant of Rudolf Stirnemann, who emigrated from Suhr near Aarau to the Mark Brandenburg in 1690 and settled in Storbeck. He is a close cousin of our member Heinz Stirnimann in Storbeck, their common ancestor is Johann Friedrich Stirnemann (1826-1871), the great-grandfather of Knut Stirnemann. The latter saw the light of day on April 23, 1952 in Leipzig as the only son of the couple Günter Stirnemann and Irene Heinemann. The family came to Switzerland on May 19th, 1958 and initially lived in Horw - what a strange coincidence, when you know that Horw is the cradle of our family! - until they settled in Lucerne. After attending primary school in Horw and the cantonal school in Lucerne (Alpenquai), Knut Stirnemann studied German, musicology and the Spanish language at the University of Zurich. He concluded his studies with a dissertation on the language of instruction at the Lucerne Cantonal School. Since 1977 he has been a high school teacher at the Canton School of Zug, where he teaches German, music and Spanish.

J. Stirnimann


Again: Peter Stirnimann to Witelingen

In the last circular I hope that convincing evidence was provided that Peter Stirnimann, who is documented as the owner of the large Witelingen farm near Pfaffnau from 1534 to 1548, is to be regarded as the earliest known direct ancestor of the Stirnimann of Ruswil and Neuenkirch . It can be considered certain that he moved from Uerkheim, northeast of Zofingen. This is the only place in all of today's Aargau and outside the canton of Lucerne where our family is shown as early as the 15th century. A document from 1457 mentions a Werner Stirnemann who at this time was in charge of the church caretaker in Uerkheim - referred to in the Lucerne Church register (1). The Stirnimanns, which have been present in the Aarburg, Gräflichen, Safenwil and Suhr communities in Aargau since the middle of the 16th century, all came without a doubt from Uerkheim. The same applies to the seven bearers of the name who immigrated with their families at the time of the Reformation, i.e. soon after 1531 (Battle of Kappel!) within a few years from the Protestant Aargau to the northern area of ​​the canton of Lucerne. Last but not least, the baptismal name Silvester, which was popular with these immigrants until around 1700, mostly spoken and written Vester, speaks for Uerkheim (as a place of origin). The name clearly points to Uerkheim, whose parish church dedicated to St. Pope Silvester I (314 - 355) was consecrated. The Uerkheim church was, apart from Hausen in Albis in the canton of Zurich, the only church in central Switzerland with this patronage, which explains the rarity of this baptismal name (2). It would be nice if this venerable and beautiful first name were to be honored again in our families.

Why from Uerkheim to Witelingen?

But why did Peter Stirnimann, who was certainly a descendant of the church clerk Werner Stirnemann from Uerkheim, acquire the Witelingen farm in the Lucerne parish of Pfaffnau? The land register drawn up by the former canon monastery of Zofingen in 1566 may give us an answer or explanation to this question. Landlords are the names of the registers of goods, interest and tithes of the clerical and secular landlords and fiefdoms of the Middle Ages, they record the names of the fields and meadows (mostly with the names of the rests) that the fief farmers cultivated, as well as the taxes they paid. Gentlemen had to pay in kind (grain, animals, fruits, wax, eggs, etc.) and money every year. Thanks to the land register of the former canons of Zofingen and Schönenwerd and the gentlemen of Gösgen and Wartenfels,

we know the names of those that shared the ownership of Uerkheim the fields and meadows of Werner Stirnimann. We know that his sons were called Hans and Werner, and the families Lienhard and Kaiser whose farms they acquired around 1530. We are also informed about the taxes that they had to pay their landlords. In this we are interested in the entry in the aforementioned Zofinger Land register from 1566, according to which the brothers Ulrich, Silvester, Oswald and Peter

Lienhard, in addition to the contributions to the Schönenwerd Abbey and the castle Gösgen, the Cistercian monastery St. Urban annually a tithe, there are about 330 liters or 150-220 kg of oats to be delivered (3). This could explain why Peter Stirnimann, whose parents or ancestors had to pay taxes to the St. Urban monastery, in 1534 acquired the farm of Witelingen, then called Witeldingen, in the Pfaffnau parish, which was subject to tax in the same monastery. There was undoubtedly a more or less close relationship between the landlord, in our case the St. Urban monastery and its administration, and the feudal farmers, as well as between them themselves. If Bernese and Aargau fiefdoms (protestant areas) at the time of the Reformation wanted to swap their fiefdoms with one in Catholic territory for reasons of faith, they were certainly allowed by the spiritual landlords, in our case from the St. Urban monastery and the Beromünster monastery, both in southern Aargau in the county of Willisau had extensive property with numerous fiefdoms, expect understanding and active help. And they also received this help, as the history of many of these emigrants shows. It was certainly no coincidence that the seven members of our family who immigrated from Aargau to the Lucerne region after 1531 settled without exception in parishes and on farms that belonged to either the St. Urban monastery or the Beromünster monastery. We can assume that Peter Stirnimann from the St. Urban monastery was also made aware of the farm in Witelingen, who at that time was waiting for a buyer, possibly as a result of the death of the previous fiefdom farmer - according to Weissem Urbar, his name was Mathis Knüsel.

Heinrich Stirnimann and his wife Kunigunde Sinner

We know the names of the two only sons of Peter Stirnimann from Witelingen, as can be assumed, their names were Heinrich (Heini) and Ulrich (Ueli). The essentials that we know about Heinrich were set out in the last newsletter. His brother Ulrich, the only one of this name in the entire family in the 16th century, was a farmer in Eppenwil, a St. Urban fiefdom in the immediate vicinity of Witelingen. According to the year book of the parish church Altishofen, Ulrich set up there for himself and for his relatives (his wife is not named), whose foundation capital in the amount of 100 guilders on the farm in Eppenwil was liable, "according to Claus Stirnemans", without a doubt his son, who had to pay the church the annual interest of 5 guilders for the celebration of the year (4).

Kunigunde Sinner survived her husband, who, as stated in the last newsletter, died between April 22nd and May 10th 1592 to at least twenty years. We encounter her name on April 14, 1603 in the minutes of the council of Willisau. The dispute in question had a credit balance, perhaps from a sale or an inheritance, as its subject. Kunigunde Sinner and her two sons Peter and Hans asserted their claims against a certain Loy (= Elogius) Hetschler, who represented his son in court, whose name is not mentioned. Hetschler lived in the Niederen Grund in Luthern, his first marriage was to Barbara Stirnimann, probably a sister of Heinrich Stirnimann. Hetschler is mentioned in the log of the Elogius Brotherhood of Luthern as their benefactor, he had donated 15 guilders to their red damask flags (5). Schultheiss and council decide that Kunigunde Sinner should take 50 guilders from Loy Hetschler each time on St. Matthias 1603, on St. Matthias 1604 and 1605, then the mother should take another 50 guilders, the rest belonged to Loy Hetschler (6). We hear one last time from Kunigunde Sinner when she and her son Peter donate the to the parish church in Sursee (7). We will come back to that again. We do not know when and where Kunigunde Sinner died and was buried. It can be assumed that her life ended in the house of her son Peter in the Lower Roth. Neither the death register of the parish Sursee, to which the courtyards in the Roth belonged at that time, nor that of the much closer parish church in Buttisholz mention her name.

Let us now turn to the son of Heinrich Stirnimann and Kunigunde Sinner.

Peter Stirnimann in the Lower Roth in Ruswil

The farm or property that Heinrich undoubtedly owned in Luthern and left behind to his sons has not yet been found. As can be seen in a court decision by the Schultheiss and Council in Willisau on November 13, 1610, Peter Stirnimann sold his property in Luthern to a Jakob Luchs. This seems to have been the only one with this name in the Luthern Valley. Before 1800, the name Luchs occurs throughout Switzerland only in the Bernese municipality of Gadmen (8). Like the Christians, Ernst, Flückiger and others, the Luchs probably also immigrated from Bern to Luthernthal at the time of the Reformation. Jakob Luchs seems to have been friends with Peter Stirnimann's family, as he was the godfather of the two youngest children. But it's an old experience that some friendship breaks because of money. Jakob Luchs challenged his sales contract with Peter Stirnimann in court, but was defeated, whereupon he appealed. The mayor and the council decided against him in the second instance. According to the minutes of the council, the verdict was as follows Text:

Is recognized that it should be publicly and genuinely verbly by the verdict (of the first instance) and contract namely the Luchs always (i.e. to Peter Stirnimann) still give 3000 guilders to the Kouf, and on St. Matthias Day 1610 200 guilders, then every year 200 guilders without Interest.

Luchs also had to pay the court costs. The verdict was clearly in favor of Peter Stirnimann. The court not only confirmed the validity of the obligated sales contract, when we read the text

correctly it understand the buyer Luchs about the contractual purchase price in addition, which we unfortunately do not find out, an additional payment of 2000 guilders, which he will pay for the first time from St. Matthias Day (25 February) annual installments of 200 guilders had to be paid. All in all, it must have been a handsome property. After their sale had become legally binding through the decision of the court on November 13th, 1610, nothing stood in the way of moving to Ruswil. It cannot be assumed that the change of residence took place during the winter, which had already started around this time and is harder in the Luthern Valley than elsewhere. Surely he waited for the spring. In today's time and world, which has been changed by technology and advances of all kinds, we do not even have an idea about the hardships and risks of setting out and moving, including the cattle and all the goods and services on the then primitive streets and paths. Soon after they moved into the Lower Roth, mother and son must have donated at the parish church in Sursee, the annual celebration of which was scheduled for April 16. The family celebrated the first time in Sursee on April 16, 1611. It should be remembered that the Lucerne region, like the whole of the Swiss plateau, was ravaged by a devastating plague in 1611/12. Death was omnipresent, it threatened everyone. It is very possible that Kunigunde Sinner and her son Peter Stirnimann, who are named as donors, established the ecclesiastical donation with his memorial for the dead, not least under the impression of this mass extinction.

(To be continued in the next newsletter) 



Jos. Stirnimann; "The Stirnimann family in the cantons of Lucerne and Aargau", (Beromünster 1973) p. 8 ff.

Cf. Clemens Hecker; "The church patronage of the Archdeaconate Aargau in the Middle Ages" (Freiburg / Switzerland 1946) p. 64.

Aarau State Archives, Urk. 1702: Stift Zofingen, Urbar 1566, fol. 291 '.

Parish archive Altishofen, 1. Yearbook, fol. 51 ', 2nd annual fol. 49 ".

Luthern parish archives, toboggan of the St. Elogius Brotherhood (1569).

Lucerne State Archives, Minutes of the Council Willisau 1603, fol. 193 '.

Jos. Stirnimann; "The Stirnimann family in the cantons of Lucerne and Aargau", p. 26 ff.

Family name book of Switzerland, 2nd edition. Zurich 1968/71


Hans Stirnimann-Brun, long-time farmer in the hall in Ruswil (where the family has been based since 1700), kind and wise boss and center of his large family, known by the population as the hall father, was allowed to turn 85 on February 17, 1985 if he was in good health . To celebrate birthday.

Markus Stirnimann, son of Moritz Stirnimann-Wandeler, master cheese maker, Winikon, passed his final apprenticeship examination as a cheese maker with a brilliant mark of 5.7. From his three-year apprenticeship he spent one year each in Oberkirch, Roggliswil and in his father's company. We congratulate Markus and his parents on this magnificent success and wish the capable and ambitious young man all the best for the future.

Hans Stirnimann, farmer in Deckenhonig, Ruswil, son of Hans Stirnimann sel., And Marie Agatha, née Betschart, celebrated his marriage to Pia Peter von Buttisholz on July 26, 1985 in the Brother Klausen Church in Sigigen. We wish the young couple God's blessings and all the best on their journey through life together.

Hans Stirnimann, Murgasse 1, Ruswil, electrician in his parents' business, son of Hans Stirnimann and Maria, née Schenkermayr, celebrated his marriage to Edith Bächler, from Langnau, Werthenstein, on April 13, 1985. May God's blessings and all the best accompany the young couple on their journey through life together.


Marie Stirnimann-Küng died in Neuenkirch on December 24, 1984, after a life marked and filled with devoted kindness and concern for her family, at the old age of 91.

In Küssnacht am Riga on June 6th 1985 Emil Stirnimann-Emmenegger passed away after a life of faithful fulfillment of duty and constant willingness to help his fellow men at the age of 78. Emil saw the light of day in Oberkirch as the son of Johann Stirnimann and Philomena Stirnimann.

In Ruswil, Rosswöschstrasse 7, Josef Stirnimann died on July 13, 1985 after a hard-working and exemplary life at the age of 75. The immortalized was the son of Matthias and Louise Stirnimann-Schwander and spent most of his life on his father's property in Obere Schwärzi.

Our board of directors

President: Josef Stirnimann-Haas, Realteacher, Unter-Sonnenbergli, 6017 Ruswil

Vice President: Prof. Dr. Joseph Stirnimann, Adligenwilerstr. 11, 6006 Lucerne

Actuary: Hans Stirnimann-Helfenstein, community clerk,

Alpenblick 5, 6206 Neuenkirch

Treasurer: Alois Stirnimann-Zihlmann, Managing Director, in Lätten 6, 6110 Wolhusen

Material Manager: Maria Stirnimann-Schenkermayr, Murgasse 1, 6017 Ruswil

Members: - Othmar Stirnimann, factory owner, Hubelstrasse,

6204 Sempach

Hans Stirnimann, vocational school teacher, Zugerstrasse 24, 6415 Arth

Heidi Stirnimann, at Reistweg 1 / Kniri, 6370 Stans


Richard Stirnimann-Krieger, authorized signatory, Hubelstrasse 1, 6048 Horw, 2nd seat vacant at the moment, as the previous auditor is the new treasurer.

The President asked for contributions, communications and suggestions for the newsletter

Enclosures - Directory of members of our family association 1985 - Payment slip for the membership fee 1985 of CHF 10.-


Our printed chronicle "The Stirnimann family in the cantons of Lucerne and Aargau" is available for CHF 15.‑


Mrs. Maria Stirnimann-Schenkermayr Murgasse 1 6017 Ruswil