On 12 December 1692 Peter Stirnimann from Etzenerlen, jurors of the court (starting from 1692 Court Sargent) and his cousin, to that control casually Peter Stirnimann of that Ober-Rot, sold both guardians of the inherit, the two farms Ober- Huprächtigen the three brothers Hans Jakob, Jakob and Klaus Hüsler of Ricken-bach in Michelsamt at the price of 26,000 gulden and 150 guldens tip. Those are after today's value of the number over 5 million Franken3. The Hüsler particularly established in Ricken-bach was since the 16th century one of the prominent and wealthiest official families of the Michelsamtes.
From the three brothers mentioned only Hans Jakob Hüsler pulled after Ober-Huprächtigen. It extended his landed property in the years 1709 and 1713, by acquiring three further farms in the today's Mittler and Unter-Huprächtigen with his four sons Hans Jakob, Hans Hans-Martin, Joseph and Hans-Joseph for altogether 7,750 gulden. It is here noted that the oldest son Hans Jakob in 1. Before with Anna Maria Stirnimann, the only daughter of the farmer and Steuerlegers Peter Stirnimann of the Ober-Rot, marries was4.
The Hüslers did not forget to them service proven of the Stirnimanns, it remained for the Stirnimanns into the talk and in Etzenerlen during several generations closely connected, particularly by baptizing and business dealings and by being each other helpful in division and Sales contracts towards as witnesses, would assist and guardians.