Walt & Terri Sterneman's Family Pages

Hans Augustin Stirnimann

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Peter Stirnimann 08 Feb 1660 Anna Brunner 09 Apr 1665


Partner Date of Birth Children
Barbara Troxler
Katharina Bucher

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 1702
Marriage 15 Nov 1723
Death 1755



Augustin Stirnimann inherits the farm in the new Saal

Since 15 November 1723 with Katharina Bucher married brother Augustin received the farm in the new Saal with house, barn and the following, stucco and Gueoetern, bordering east on Etzenerlen, ":

Haus- und Baumgartendas Stockinauh
die vordere Saalmattendie Grissenmatt-Matten
den äusseren und inneren Geissbergden Weyerboden
die hintere Saalmattendie Waldweid
das Höfli und Baumgartendie Saalweid
das 5aa1-Michelsweidlidie Riedweid
die Schürweiddie gross Weid
das Hölziiweidliden Lutacher (?)
die große Stockmattdie Neuweid

The following Luzerner Patrizier had mortgages on the farm in the Saal:
the Junkers captain Jost at the Rhyn blessed inheriting: 400 guldens
of the Junker hospital gentleman: 400 guldens
Junker and District Governor to the Gilgen: 400 guldens
Junker Ludwig to the AImend: 200 guldens
Mrs. KIara Balthasar: 400 guldens
the place of worship Werthenstein possessed a Glilt of 600 guldens

To the farm in the Saal 115 Jucharten open matte and feasting country, everything belonged and together been situated.

Augustin Stirnimann had obviously from the outset with financial difficulties to fight, nevertheless already sold it to 29. March 1727 a piece country named Weyerboden to the extent of 2 Jucharten for 300 guldens the master (supposed a craftsman) Leonz Staeger in Ruswil. On 24 February 1732 it established a mortgage in the amount of 500 guldens to favour of the Joseph Bueoelmann too strain-shrank on its farm. Two years later, i.e. on 24 February 1734, Augustin Stirnimann transferred and received its farm in the Saal by way of exchange to the Uoli Bueoelmann in the sunning waste dumps from this the Kastler property in the village Ruswil. Uoli Bueoelmann owed Augustin Stirnimann on 24 February 1734 the amount of 1307 guldens and 20 Schilling.


Description Page Quality Information Evidence
Verband derFamilien Stirnimann/Stirnemann Circular No. 23, Ruswil - Juli 1997 Don't know Primary Don't know