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Joseph Leonz Stirnimann
Maria Agatha Hüsler
Kaspar Weber
Elisabeth Wüest
Jost Joseph Johann Stirnimann
Anna Maria Elisabeth Weber
Pius Xaver (Pater Leodegar) Stirnimann


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Pius Xaver (Pater Leodegar) Stirnimann 65

  • Born: 4 Dec 1855, Neuenkirch, Luzern, Switzerland
  • Died: 7 Apr 1904, Feusisberg, Schwyz, Switzerland at age 48 10

bullet  General Notes:

Godparents were: Franz Xaver Bernet, Pfarrer & Maria Winigen.


Pater Leodegar has given since 1882 the novice Latin and Greek, at the secondary school to instruction in to music hours. Since the 1 January 1884 he has been educated Katechet in Trachslau, again teacher at the cloisters in October of the same year. In October 1885, he became lower minister in Einsiedeln. On 16 August 1887 up to 7 September 1888, he was spiritual in the sister's-cloister Ingenbohl. On 7 October 1888, P. Leodegar became the curator in Gross, in the year 1896 to the minister in Feusisberg appointed. There he died after a short illness on 7 January 1904 and was buried in the church there. P. Leodegar was also an appreciated mission preacher.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

1. Occupation: Benedictine monk, 1876.

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