Walt & Terri Sterneman's Family Pages



Person Adèle Loew
Description to her sister Martha
Date 09 Mar 1923
Place Evansville
Country IN


Dear Martha,

I got your letter. We left St. Louis for Evansville Indiana. Here Ceasar has a better job that is why we decided this way. I have not been well since some time because something is on the way. Every time I have bad pains in my legs, they are swollen so I cannot wear shoes. I do not know how I can sew all the things on the sewing machine as not a single piece is left from Walter’s. In August he will be four years. I thought I would no longer been bothered, it is no end of trouble. I got a letter from aunt Elise, I think she is in München stein again. I would like to have her here. Believe me sometimes I am tired, I have enough. I am glad that Caesar has a better job now, so I can buy some pieces and housework will become easier. We rented a house but they have to repair it and we hope we can have it next week. I am relieved when I am in my own house. I cannot yet give you the new address but next week I will send you an Easter card, then I will know the name of the street and the number.
I close and hope to hear from you soon. I hope you both are well.

Kind regards and kisses

Your sister Delly

I have lots of postage stamps but I must wait till my things arrive then I will send them to you.